
Level 5 Human Resource Management PM202


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For many years, in the present and the future, the success of any organization is highly dependent on the organization's human resource professional. The better the HR professional, the more the likelihood of success of a company or an organization although many factors determine the success of an organization. However, many companies have HR professionals who are not able to perform their professional duty efficiently. This sometimes is caused by little experience in the HR position or sometimes it can be caused by lack of talent in the HR field among other reasons. For HR professionals to be very effective in performing their professional duty for the success of the organization, they are required to exhibit some professional behaviors which should rhyme with their professional level. Consequently, many researchers have come up with the most important behaviors H.R. professionals should possess depending on their level. This report mainly focuses on some important behaviors identified by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), a professional body for HR and people development (CIPD, 2016). Later in the report, we will also compare some competencies for a HR professional identified by CIPD and those identified by David Ulrich.

The Importance of Professional Behaviors for Effective HR Professionals

According to CIPD, there are eight behaviors that a HR professional should possess to fulfill his/her professional duty effectively for the success of his organization. These behaviors include curious, decisive thinker, skilled influencer, personally credible, collaborative, driven to deliver, courage to challenge and role model. This report will look at these behaviors, with the goal of understanding how important they are for the success of an organization.

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A person who is curious is the one who is interested in learning about people or things around him/her (Cambridge Dictionary, 2016). In this context, a curious HR professional is one who is future-focused, inquisitive and open-minded (CIPD, 2016b). He is a person who comes up with innovative ways which add value to the organization. According to CIPD (2016), there are some indicators, such that if you find a professional who is practicing them, then he/she cannot be referred to as a curious HR. some of these contra-indicators include:

  • Takes the immediate information and presumes it to be true even when the information is unclear.
  • Instead of following the right procedure of inquiry, he needs to know all the answers.
  • Rejects an idea without thinking about the benefits it would bring to the organization.
  • Does not look at the organization's future but focuses on present and the past

A curious professional brings benefits to the organization in that he can know how each department or individual are doing the organizational goals. Concerning business suitability to the market, they can know how other similar organizations are competing. A curious professional is also up to date with all job requirements (Ciprian.arhire, 2014).

Decisive Thinker

This is a professional who displays the ability to examine and understand data and information quickly (CIPD, 2016b). They can use information knowledgeably to help them make recommendations and tenable decisions. There are also some things that decisive thinkers don't do like; focusing on symptoms rather than causes, making fundamental errors in data analysis, just accepting data without knowing the source just to mention a few. A professional who practices this behavior can lead his people to achieve a given task efficiently and within a reasonable time (Ajuwat, 2016). In general, they can approach a problem intuitively with a good understanding of the internal and external environment.

Skilled Influencer

For the organization's benefit, a skilled influencer can gain the necessary commitment and support from people within and beyond the organization (Orme, 2010). If you come across a HR professional who is practicing some of the below traits then he/she is not a skilled influencer; does not give credit where it's due, goes to meetings or interactions without adequate preparation, over-relies on a single strategy to solve all problems just to mention several. A manager with this behavior can build strong interpersonal relationships and have a better understanding and judgment of situations (Taylor, 2015).

Personally Credible

A personally credible person is one who can think reasonably, make better judgments and use emotional intelligence to defend decisions (Orme, 2010). They bring value to the organization through combining commercial and HR expertise (CIPD, 2016b). Personal credibility is a very basic foundation in human resource management as it builds a relationship of trust with their clients and instills confidence (Eaden, 2006).


These are HR professionals who can work effectively with clients, stakeholders, colleagues and other wide range of people within and beyond the organization for its benefit (Orme, 2010). They are characterized by traits such as; they can build contact with people who are beyond their work area, they recognize the value of diversity, they don't work consistently in isolation but involves the stakeholders. They also listen and show interest in other peoples' views.

Driven to Deliver

With this behavior, they are able determined and resourceful, and their main goal is to deliver the best for the organization's success. The importance of this behavior is that they can recognize performance issues and deal with them accordingly. They also keep track of progress and don't give up when faced with obstacles (CIPD, 2016b).

Courage to Challenge

They can challenge views which seem to disadvantage the organization. They don't avoid difficult conversations, and they show confidence in knowledge, abilities, and judgments.

Role Model

This is another important quality of a good HR. they lead by example and performs their job with integrity and impartiality. This is important because the HR will always perform his duties professionally and always makes sound judgments in every situation (Orme, 2010).

The above being among the most important behaviors for an effective HR professional, it may be not possible to demonstrate all the behaviors, because there are many professional are that require different behaviors. However, it is important that any HR professional has a good understanding of these behaviors. A professional who is not very experienced is also supposed to practice some behaviors, and as he/she develops into professional bands, he will realize the most important behaviors to practice depending on his level.

Differences Between Ulrich (2016) Competencies and CIPD Competencies

David Ulrich, a professor at the University of Michigan and a partner in a consulting firm focused on helping organizations and leaders deliver value. Over the years, Ulrich has written many articles, book chapters, and books and has worked on human resource management for many years (The RBL Group, 2015). Ulrich has come up with different models explaining the levels of competencies in HR professionals, but this report's focus will be on the 2016 model. The model explains the roles and what HR needs to do. The 2016 model subdivides several types of competencies in three broad categories. These categories include:

Organization enablers, who are comprised of culture and champion, human capital curator and total rewards steward. The category is delivery enablers which include compliance manager, analytics designer and interpreter and technology and media integrator. The third but not least category is the core competencies which are strategic positioned and credible activist. However, there is one competence that is in all the three subcategories, and it is known as paradox navigator (Ulrich et al., 2015). However, comparing this model with the CIPD professional map, CIPD subdivides the professional competence into four bands according to different ten professional areas. The bands explain how the professionals contribute to key areas such as relationship between the HR professional and clients, a focus of activities performed by the HR and where they spend their time. They also explain the services HR professionals provide to their clients and how their success and contribution is measured (CIPD, 2016c).

Focusing on Ulrich's model, we will look at these competencies. One is the strategic Positioner. This deals which the ability of a professional to evaluate the internal and external business contexts and translate them for the benefit of the organization. Another competency is the credible activist, and it involves how HR professionals achieve trust and respect so as to be seen as valuable partners in an organization. The next in the model is paradox navigator; this is the ability to come up with many ideas and outcomes that may be inseparable. They must be able to handle tensions in workplaces professionally. Another one in the list is culture and change champion. To make things happen consistently, HR professionals must be able to come up with a good organizational culture and innovates human resource systems that are up to date with changing business demands (Ulrich et al., 2015). The human capital curator is another competency in David's model, and it involves managing people effectively regarding developing talent, developing leaders, driving performance and developing technical talent among others.

Total rewards steward is where a HR professional can come up with motivational strategies like compensation and benefits which are both monetary and non-monetary. Technology and media integrator can also not be left behind, and a professional with this trait should be able to grip technology and its tools and use it to recruit, retain, develop and engage human capital for the organization's success (Ulrich et al., 2016). The professionals must also be able to get the right data and use it to make the right decisions a competency described as analytics designer and interpreter by Ulrich. The last but not least is the compliance manager. This is a manager who can ensure that his practices are in compliance with government laws and also supports employee rights.

One major difference between Ulrich's competencies and CIPD competencies is that in CPID, the professionals are divided into four bands according to ten professional areas while in Ulrich's model, the competencies are subdivided according to organization enablers, core competencies, and delivery enablers. CIPD also explains how to a HR professional can progress from one band to another through practicing some several professional behaviors. Ulrich's model, however, tells about how the HR professionals perform their roles and exactly what they are supposed to do to achieve their professional goal. In the above two models, we can summarize the competencies and highlight the most important ones. One of them is communication. Communicating with everyone in the workplace effectively is very important for a HR professional. They should also be able to analyze and think critically in many areas. They should also build a strong relationship which improves their interpersonal skills and consequently a successful organization is a result. Good leadership skills should also be exhibited by HR professionals as they also play a key role in the success of the HR professional and the organization (Mayhew, no date).


After studying the professional map by CIPD, David Ulrich's competency models and other helpful articles, it is now clear that, their specific behaviors that a Human Resource professional should fulfill his/her professional goal. It is also clear that there are some skills or competencies they should possess when doing their job. The importance of these behaviors as well as the competencies has been mentioned in the report, and we have seen that for a company to succeed, one of the important factors is to have a competent HR professional. A competent HR professional can recruit and retain the best employees, and they are an important foundation towards the success of any organization. For them to fulfill this role, they must practice the mentioned behaviors which improve their level of competency. It is thus the duty of every HR professional to make sure that he/she practices the behaviors identified by human resource experts and this will help them develop professionally through the four bands described on the professional map. Practicing these behaviors will also improve their competencies and assist them in keeping pace with the highly developing world. It is also the duty of any organization through its management, to make sure that they have a competent human resource professional and the long term goal is the success of the organization.

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  • Ajuwat (2016) Decisive thinker. Available at: https://theresa977.wordpress.com/2016/04/03/decisive-thinker/ (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • Cambridge Dictionary (2016) Curious meaning in the Cambridge English dictionary. Available at: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/curious (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • CIPD (2013) Curious tcm18 9673. Available at: https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/Curious_tcm18-9673.pdf (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • CIPD (2016a) About us. Available at: https://www.cipd.co.uk/about (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • CIPD (2016b) Bands & transitions. Available at: https://www.cipd.co.uk/learn/career/profession-map/bands-transitions (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • CIPD (2016c) Behaviours. Available at: https://www.cipd.co.uk/learn/career/profession-map/behaviours (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • Ciprian.arhire (2014) The HR profession. Available at: https://ciprianarhire.wordpress.com/2014/05/01/the-hr-profession/ (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • Eeden, D. van (2006) HR people have to focus on building personal credibility. Available at: http://www.skillsportal.co.za/content/hr-people-have-focus-building-personal-credibility (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • Farnham, D. (2010) A free sample chapter from human resource management in context, 3 rd edition. Human resource management and its external contexts i ntROductiO n. Available at: http://shop.cipd.co.uk/shop/bookshop/media/cms/pdf/bookstorepdfs/human-resource-management-in-context-3rd-edition---a-sample-chapter.pdf (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • Mayhew, R. (no date) What are the Four Competencies of an HR manager? Available at: http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/four-competencies-hr-manager-3925.html (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • Orme, J. (2010) The truth about HR. Available at: http://www2.cipd.co.uk/NR/rdonlyres/D394EEAB-B886-4400-90AA-A539F226B12A/0/The_truth_about_HR.pdf (Accessed: 28 November 2016).
  • Taylor, C. (2015) Six political skills all HR professionals should have. Available at: http://www.hcamag.com/hr-news/six-political-skills-all-hr-professionals-should-have-201001.aspx (Accessed: 28 November 2016).

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